Finance & Mortgage

London House Prices Becoming Beyond Affordable

Skyrocketing house prices and rental rates are making it hard for Britons to own a home or even stay in London. Some 2,000 residents and students went on the streets and took to social media to protest the sorry situation they are forced in.

To What Extent Should a Home be Rented via Airbnb

A line must be drawn between sharing space and turning a space into a business. A line must be drawn between sharing space and turning a space into a business.

Is Flint a Good Place to Invest In?

Investing in real estate could be a gamble but if the price is right, it's worth the gamble. Yet, housing price is not the only thing to consider but the place as well. Expectedly, it's not worth it to invest just anywhere. But, what about Flint City?
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