Home & Design

House Selling: What do Millennial Buyers Want and Need in a New Home?

Selling a house to the millennials is sometimes viewed as a challenging task, as this generation often requires certain key features when buying a home. While the quality is definitely an important aspect, several reports claim that there are certain features and elements that the millennial generation is looking for in a house.

Australia Real Estate: Possible Damage Coming for Investors, a Buyer's Agent Says

Investors must have profited billions for years yet it seems that 2016 wants to show them that the world is round.

Home Makeover 101: Should You Convert Your Attic into a New Space?

Your attic at home is most commonly used as a storage space for those items, which are not being regularly used. However, the attic can also serve other different purposes aside from being a storage area. Is it time for you to remodel your attic into a completely different space?
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