Home & Design
The Environment Court Rules Against Four-Meter High Fence That Blocks View of Panoramic Harbor From Couple's Property
Home Design Tips: Interior Layouts and Other Furnishings That You are Doing All Wrong in Your Bathroom
Home Maintenance Tips: Why Roofing Needs Extensive Attention
Gov. Gavin Newsom Expedites Temporary Housing For Residents In Areas Struck By LA Wildfires
Pasadena Native Lost Her House To LA Wildfires One Day After Paying Off Her Mortgage: 'It's Gone'
How The Mircale Malibu Mansion And Pacific Palisades Home Survived The Devastating LA Fires
What Happens To Your Mortgage And Property Tax When You Lose Your Home In A Natural Disaster?
Clutters inside a house is normal, especially during busy moments. However, if such clutters are there are yearlong, then definitely there is something wrong. Most of us accumulate things without us knowing. There are even some instances that we are not aware we are already causing the clutters in the house one at a time. Tax Refund and Home Improvement Ideas
Saving some amount of money is absolutely a great idea, especially if one can really actualize it. There are many ways to save, and there a various guides and tips you may check on the internet. However, most of us don't know what to with the money once we have enough of it. Some of us has this tendency to save some amount and when opportunity knocks we squander it with useless things. The Entrance of 3-D Printing in Home Building
Home design and its architectural style may speak of the historical derivation and inspiration of a certain house structure. As history continues to unfold and as trends come in and continues to go out, many changes have been made in the aspect of home architecture. Home Ideas 2016: What Does Science Say Your Home Needs if You Want to Be Happy
What can make our home happier? Know the three things that trigger happiness in your home. Inviting positivity and good vibes are just some of the things that most people aim to achieve this 2016 for their home. Home Horoscope 2016: Know If your Zodiac Sign is Lucky in Real Estate
What does your Zodiac sign dates reveal for your home negotiations? or future endeavors? Will 2016 be your best year for you to move in a new home? Interior Design 101: Small Space Decorating Don’ts
Small House? Not enough room? Too Crowded? Check out ways how you can resolve these home dilemmas. Small House? Not enough room? Too Crowded? These are just some of the complaints one will hear from a person living in a small house. Controversial Flintstone House Seeking $4.2 Million
The so-called "Iconic Flintstone House" has - for four decades - been sparking curiosity amongst commuters in the San Francisco Bay Area, who have probably seen a few glances of the home's unusual yet distinct domes as they pass through Interstate 280. Home Decor: 5 Ways to Turn your New House Into a Home
When moving into another house for the first time, it's just normal to feel the need to put one's own personality on the new space — all things considered, unless the new house was personally designed by the owner, it's more likely that the finishes, furniture and wall paint were picked by past owner's preference. Home Improvement: 3 Biggest Decorating Mistakes and Solutions
Home Mistakes? Not a problem! Find solutions and fixes on these unfortunate scenarios. One way or another, mistakes are made when building or just decorating a house. Frank Lloyd Wright Homes For Sale: H. Howard Hyde House in Chicago Cuts Price To $620K
A series of Frank Lloyd Wright homes have been going on the market right now. The H. Howard Hyde House in Beverly, Chicago has just been relisted on the market - and with a price cut!