Home & Design

Porch: The Friendliest Space of a Home

A recent study by Saber Grills LLC found that outdoor spaces have become the heart of the house and now, according to a professor at the Yale School of Architecture, the "Porch" is apparently the friendliest place of the house.

If Brazil’s Stadiums Became Affordable Housing Units

The Estadio do Maracana stadium in Rio De Janiero was roaring with German pride on the final day of the FIFA 2014. But now that the world’s most watched football event is over, what will become of these stadiums that accommodated thousands during the matches?

Lawn Painting: New Trend in the Californian Drought

In what we call a case of classic dilemma, Los Angeles city authorities have imposed fines of up to $500 on people who waste water. However, this same government is urging people to water their lawns appropriately or pay a fine of up to $500. But, the residents have now found a way of evading this dilemma. They are all dying their lawns green!
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