
Real Estate News: The Step to Recovery is Getting Better for Underwater Homeowners

Underwater homeowners can now face an optimistic future in the real estate scene. Underwater mortgage is one uncompromising scenario for homeowners. This type of incident makes a homeowner pay more mortgage than the actual value of his property.

Feng Shui Tips 2016: How to Achieve Good Luck and Fortune for the Home in the Year of the Fire Monkey

Make the home attract good fortune and luck this year of the fire monkey! What will the 2016 Chinese new year bring for homeowners? What are the Feng Shui suggestions to bring the home good luck this year? 2016 is regarded to be the year of the fire monkey and Family Holiday details that the color "red" is one lucky color that will bring prosperity this year.

New York Real Estate: Hotel Elysee, Home of Midtown's Monkey Bar, Sells For $55M

Everyone probably knows New York City's Hotel Elysee because of it's piano bar right off the lobby, called Monkey Bar, which has been featured on "Sex and the City" and "Mad Men."
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