Frank Lloyd Wright House in Beverly Now $100,000 Less from Initial Price
Wendell Pierce Net Worth: "Suits" Star at Odds with Local Community Group
Oversupply in Housing Units Inevitable in Australia
Gov. Gavin Newsom Expedites Temporary Housing For Residents In Areas Struck By LA Wildfires
Pasadena Native Lost Her House To LA Wildfires One Day After Paying Off Her Mortgage: 'It's Gone'
How The Mircale Malibu Mansion And Pacific Palisades Home Survived The Devastating LA Fires
What Happens To Your Mortgage And Property Tax When You Lose Your Home In A Natural Disaster?
Steven Spielberg, Hollywood Director and Producer, together with his wife Kate Capshaw bid farewell to their enormous compound in Malibu. The property was sold off the market for only $26 million. Rent Check: What $4,300 Month Can Rent You In New York City!
What can $4,300 Month give? Renting in the Big A with $4,300 can be nerve wrecking or just the opposite of it. Iman Shumpert Net Worth: Cavs Star Guard Shump Settles Down in Atlanta
Iman Shumpert is settling down in Atlanta. The Cavaliers guard recently bought a home in Atlanta. Iman Shumpert is settling down in Atlanta. According to realtor. What Can A $100M Expansion Do To Kennedy Center?
The National Capital Planning Commission approved building plans for the Kennedy Center that is budgeted with $100 million. Tax Deductions For Homeowners; What Are Their Benefits?
The government has rewards to homeowners for buying and owning a home: tax deductions. There government has rewards for buying and owning a home: tax deductions. “Australia Real Estate Market”: Home Approvals Strengthen Yet New Home Sales Decline
The Australian real estate market has gone opposite directions as home approvals get strengthened while the new home sales have declined. This data has been reflected in the May report. The Inventive Ways On How To Sell A Luxury Home
Selling a luxury home takes more than just print ads and ordinary site visits. It requires a lot of hard work and radical and innovative marketing strategies. Real Estate Tip: 5 Golden Rules of Home Storage You Need In Your Life
When it comes to organizing whether be it for a house move, or just de-cluttering and looking at getting more organized, the common question always is "how do I store all of these?" Real Estate Tip: 5 Simple and Effective Tricks to Make Your Small Room Look Bigger
Space is an essential factor buyers look for when choosing a space. When buyers are looking to upsize their home, they might not even look at small homes. The good thing is, there are actually ways to visually enlarge small spaces. Blackstone Expert Says Commercial Real Estate Boom is Still on Going On
Jonathan Gray, the global head of real estate at Blackstone, talks about growing foreeign investment boom in the US Commercial real estate.