
Avison Young's Commercial Real Estate Forecast for 2016 Released

It is a promising year. Avison Young, one of the is the world's fastest-growing commercial real estate services entity with its headquarter in Toronto, Canada, has released its Canada, US, and UK forecast for commercial real estate this year.

Chinese Real Estate Developer, Xinyuan Acquires Parcel of Land in Manhattan

Xinyuan Real Estate Co., Ltd. the savior of middle-class families when it comes to housing? Xinyuan Real Estate Co. , Ltd. ("Xinyuan"), a China-based and managed company has recently expanded it operations in other countries.

US Real Estate: Treasury to Track Secret Real Estate Deals, Sets New Rules to Prevent Fraud and Money Laundering

The federal authorities has recently announced in Wednesday the new rules that will help prevent criminal activities from using real estates in order to hide their illegal income. As reported from NBC News.
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