
Mortgage Loan Rates and the Devaluation of the Chinese Currency

Mortgage Bankers Association has released a report on mortgage applications. The reports show steady rates while devaluation of the Chinese currency comes into play.

Real Estate Tips: How to Pass That Real Estate Exam

Being a professional real estate agent is such a challenging job. Not only because it requires you to have ample connections to people in the real estate industry, but also because you might have to work hard and get yourself to pass that real estate exam. Here are some tips that would make it easier for you to score an A, taking you one step closer to being a certified real estate that's ready for business!

Home of a Murdered Family in French Alps is Put on Sale for Nearly £1.2 million

The home of al- Hilli family, who were murdered in the French Alps three years ago, located in Claygate, Surrey was put into market for nearly £1.2 million.
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