Real Estate Agent

Realty Today - Shoe covers for your next open house

Sell Your Home While Social Distancing | Here Are Some Shoe Covers for Open Houses

Rules about in-person showings and closings have changed and vary per state. But under the new normal everyone needs to be accustomed to wearing masks at all times and wearing shoe covers or removing their footwear during in-person showings.
4 Must-Have Skills to Succed as Real Estate Professionals

4 Must-Have Skills to Succeed as a Real Estate Professional

If one wants to be good at what he does and stay on top of his game, certain skills are simply a must-have. These will be vital not only in giving your clients a great experience but will also help you stay relevant in the ever-changing competition.
 Hiweike Real Estate Realtor Vinyl Decal

How to Use Vinyl Decals to Market Your Business and Also Some Cool Car Sticker Ideas

Vinyl decals are an effective and affordable way to market your business. Plus, decals are a great alternative to expensive advertising tools. They can be customized to suit your needs plus, and very easy to use.
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