US Real Estate

Real Estate Won't Be Moved By Rate Hike, Strong Dollar

The resounding threat of higher interest rates have significantly decreased REITs enthusiasm this 2015, but a market expert thinks things are just being blown out of proportion, Gregg Greenberg of The Street reports.

Real Estate Law Firms Target Technology Sector

Top real estate law firms in New York City have their eyes on the technology sector, a major player industry in Big Apple's office market, Peter Grant of Wall Street Journal reports.

Central Ohio's Top 1 Real Estate Submarket Named

A yearly survey on local real estate developers, construction company operators, architectural firms, and other related experts is being conducted by the Urban Land Institute, Columbus chapter. This annual activity is aimed to predict the possibilities for the local real estate market in the coming year. Last Thursday, the 2015 report was presented and it shows significant changes from the responses in the past years, Walker Evans of Columbus Underground reports.

China Dominates U.S. Real Estate Market

China has been a major player in New York real estate market but is now expanding their influence on a national scale as it surpasses Canada as the largest foreign buyer of homes in the United States, The Wall Street Journal reports.

Chinese Buyers Dominating the US Real Estate Market

65% of the purchases by the Chinese have are made with cash, which is something local can't do.

Top 10 Real Estate Markets to Watch in 2016

As the new year approaches, one of the things that people want to know is who made it on the top ten list in almost anything. Realtor notes the top ten hottest places for real estate in America in 2016.

Real Estate Firm Sues US Steel For Refusing Bids Past List Price

U.S. Steel, a struggling steel producer company based in Pittsburgh is getting sued by the real estate company it hired to sell a company-owned condominium after refusing to accept two all-cash offers for the property in the amount higher than the listing price, Pittsburgh Post-Gazzette reports.

Buy a Town For $250K with an Unexpected Bonus

Who would not be amazed to know that one can own an entire town for a quarter of a million dollars with some unexpected perks?

5 Minor Damages Your Home Insurance Policy Won’t Cover

Although insurance is a guaranteed help and security in times of calamities, there are exceptions to the rules and some incidents are not covered by providers. Here are the list of some minor damages that your insurance provider may or may not cover.

Secure a Lower Mortgage Rate for your Home with the ‘Moneyball’ Approach

One of the aims of future home buyers is to score a lesser price on their monthly mortgage payment. The article discusses some ways wherein you can score a good monthly mortgage for your home using the 'Moneyball' approach.

Secure Paying a House Down Payment with Assistance Programs

Paying a down payment is an important step in securing the legal authority of a property and for some homebuyers obtaining the money for this said payment is not easy. Realtor defines what are the other avenues that can help homebuyers apply for assistance to secure the money for a downpayment.

Brooklyn Real Estate: More Apartment Units Set to Arrive in 2016 Due to Growing Demand

A great number of new apartments is set to be available in Brooklyn in 2016. A great number of new apartments is set to be available in Brooklyn in 2016.

Seattle's Supercharged Real Estate Market To Continue In 2016

The coming year is looking bright for Seattle and its real estate market. Urban Land Institute conducted its Emerging Trends in Real Estate Survey and Metro Seattle ranked fourth in the hottest markets to watch in 2016 nationally - from skyscrapers to single family houses - despite the increasing interest rates, Seattle Times reports.

Minimum Salary Required to Live in These 10 Cities

Do you want to live in another state or move to another part of your city. Check out this top 10 list of cities and the minimum salary requirements to meet the needed mortgage fee on that city.

Ways to Fall in Love in Renting Again While a New Home is Out of the Budget

Renters one extreme move is to settle on their own home. But are they really ready to make that huge step financially? Consider the odds first and check out the tips on how to fall in love being a renter again with these tips.

Rocket Mortgage App: Applying for a Loan As Easy as Ordering a Pizza

Applying for a mortgage as many expected is not a walk in the park. Realtor shares how to apply for a mortgage as easily as ordering your favorite pizza with the new app called Rocket Mortgage.

US Home Prices Increase 5.5% in 20 Cities, Higher than Initial Estimate

Prices of homes in 20 U.S. cities rose higher than the initial projection from September 2014 to September 2015.

Solution to Rising Rents Leads More Potential Growth In Other Cities

The issue of the rising costs on rents is not new to the U.S. renters. And now with the rising opportunity for tech startups, renters are now open to new options for growth with other cities to even out the bulging cost in rents.

Miami’s Real Estate Stability Stronger for Four Years

The real estate stability in Miami is still staying stronger. For four years, Miami's economy in the real estate has not met any downturn and consecutively even with the rising cost of real estate, it is evident that the city is one of the biggest players in this sector.

U.S. Renters Least Prioritize Down Payments for a Home

A low percentage of homeowners opting to pay a downpayment is evident in the latest Freddie Mac Online Survey. And only 39% of the online takers think that a down payment is a vital part of their savings.

Online Real Estate Boosts Growth for Small Startups

The interest in the real estate business is evidently flourishing online and there is a dramatic possibility of increase in the near future with the potential data brought by buyers and sellers.