US Real Estate

Mortgage Rates Declined After Federal Reserve Postponed Rate Hike

Freddie Mac released a report last Thursday that mortgage rate declined for the past week when Federal Reserve decided not to raise the interest rates.

'Uber' Purchased Oakland-Based Office Bringing Opportunity to the City's Real Estate Market

On Wednesday, Uber has announced that it purchased a 330, 000 square feet office building and will turn it into the company's headquarters in Oakland.

Advantages of Investing in a Real Estate Property

Real estate investment is a very lucrative market, which brings several advantages as to why investing in real estate is a good idea.

Sacramento-Based Real Estate Company Purchased Manhattan- Based 'United Realty Advisors' for $175 million

Sacramento- based real estate investment firm First Capital Real Estate purchased a New York- based United Realty Advisors for $175 million.

Housing Advocates Remain Skeptical with East New York Rezoning Plan

House advocates are skeptical with East New York rezoning plan as it is feared to cause gentrification.

Home Construction Industry Dropped with 3% in August 2015

Home construction started to slow down last August with 3% decline in the number of apartment complexes and houses being built to supply the increasing demand.

Housing Prices Continue to Rise Leaving People Angry and Making Homes Impossible to Afford

Housing prices are still continuing to hike up making it harder for aspiring home owners to purchase their own property. As interest rates rise, so do home prices.

Retrofitting Cost Dispute Between Tenants and Landlords Will be Discussed by LA Authorities

It has been scheduled to be discussed by the City Council Housing Committee who will pay for retrofitting of houses after Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti had proposed an earthquake- retrofitting laws in California last year.

Incompetent Agents are Believed to be the Real Estate Industry's Biggest Problem

The National Association of Realtors have said in a report that the real estate industry's main and biggest threat is incompetent real estate agents.

Buying Real Estate Properties Online is Starting to Become a Trend

Real estate industry is starting to ride our today's technology as consumers start to use modern ways of acquiring real estate properties.

Mortgage Rates Hike Doesn't Worry Home Buyers

Despite the impending mortgage rates hike of the US Federal Reserve, home buyers and owners continue to push the housing market to all-time high records.

Seller's Market is Expected to Continue Until 2016

National Association of Realtors released a report stating that home buyers are overpowering the sellers' supply, which can play as an advantage for the latter.

The Cabrini Residents and Chicago Housing Authority Lawsuit Has Ended with an Agreement

Chicago Housing Authority and a tenant organization representing Cabrini-Green low-income residents filed an agreement last week that will allow hundreds of public housing units to be built on the Near North Side and will development projects available to use throughout the entire area.

Housing Market Demand in Seattle Rises Through the Roof

Seattle's housing demands are raising through the roof as places for new construction are becoming more scarce over time.

Investors Try Their Luck with New Homes for Rentals

Investors are now turning their heads for buying foreclosure properties and making them into single- family rentals.

US Median Home Prices Reached an All- time High in June 2015

National Association of Realtors has released a report showing that median prices for single family home rose to $236,400 for the month of June 2015-- higher than the previous high record of $230,400 set in July 2006.

China's Rich Invading U.S. Real Estate Market

The Shanghai stock market and Hang Seng Index suffered another loss in August and China’s rich are looking towards the West for hope in the US real estate market.

Californinan Houses Are Becoming Too Expensive for Prospect Homeowners

The California Association of Realtors released a report that families who earn an average income can afford homes in only seven out of 32 counties due to high prices.

McDonald's Pressured To Swap Holdings Into Real Estate Investment Trust

McDonald's has been under deep pressure for having garnered losses to profits for three consecutive years. As a remedy, its investors are urging them to transfer their means of profits to real estate investment trust.

Commercial Real Estate Property Brokers Experience Profit Drop as Market Slows Down

Commercial Property companies are starting to experience decrease in their profits as the commercial real estate market start to lose its heat.

BlackRock is Reported to Be Joining the Financing of Landlords Market

BlackRock Inc. is reported to be planning to finance investors who are purchasing single- family homes that capitalizing on rental demand.