US Real Estate

'Marco Rubio' Latest News: Presidential Candidate Sells Horror Home In Tallahassee

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio sold his co-owned property with David Rivera, his former colleague who's name has been tainted with several scandals. An unknown buyer was able to purchase it at a lesser price than its orginial value. However, Rubio is relieved to have sold the house of horrors.

Top U.S. Commercial Real Estate Markets

Situs RERC released a report showing the best commercial real estate markets for investors and developers.

Speedwagon Real Estate Firm Purchased a 16- Property- Portfolio for $135.5 million

Speedwagon Real Estate paid $135.5 million for purchasing 16 real estate properties taking over a portfolio that is considered as the company's biggest deal yet.

How Rental Properties Can Build Your Wealth

Owning a property is a good investment. Besides the fact you have a place you can call your own, investing on a real estate can help your cash rolling through rental properties.

Real Estate Expenses Homeowners Pay That Renters Don't

There are three core investments a person must have in their lives: A good and loving partner, a job you love, and a home you can call your own. Striving to provide yourself a home is a basic need for every human beings, and for most American households do own their homes.

Top 10 Most Expensive Rental Homes in the US

With the rental market firing up, wealthy families and individuals will have a bunch of luxury homes selections for their vacations. Here's a list of US' most expensive homes for rent.

Amazon's Emperor Jeff Bezos and His Real Estate Empire

Amazon's CEO Jeff Bezos have created a strong real state potfolio with six different remarkable properties.

Land Report Magazine Tags National Land Realty Anew as One of America’s Best Brokerages

The National Land Realty was cited in the Land Report Magazine as one of America's best for focusing on the sale of timberland tracts.

Home Design Tips: How to Create a Stunning Backyard With a Tight Budget

Creating a comfortable and durable backyard fit for family barbeques and entertaining guests could be costly. Here are some tips on what to purchase, how to create DIY items to incorporate into your backyard, and other desigining tips that are budget-friendly.

Second Quarter Shows ‘Home Prices Rising’ In Metro Areas: Insufficient Supply Caused Steady Increase?

The increase in homes sales has shown great promise on the second quarter of this year. Insufficient supply has caused the steady increase in home prices in almost all of the metro areas in the U.S.

‘Hot Spot Real Estate Investment’ in the U.S.

The United has been considered as a hot spot for real estate investors around the world. The particular areas that are put into top consideration are the Midwest areas. Florida, Texas and North Carolina are also considerable hot spots.

American Houses Perceived For Over 400 Years

The revoltuion of American Homes over 300-400 years are catered by a Brooklyn-based poster company that showed European-inspired designs to McMansions architecture. These designs have been illustrated to cater to the different parts of the house that apparently show how it has changed over the years.

Why Houses Designed with Dynamic Interiors Are the Best Selling Properties To Date

Houses that are designed with dynamic interiors exude of efficiently placed furniture and other parts of the house as well as a touch of modern class. This is one of the many reasons why most clients prefer to purchase properties like these at present.

Brand New Listings at Palo Alto

There are three luxurious properties for sale in the beautiful town of Palo Alto, California. In fact, Clarion Partners themelves spent almost $28 million to acquire a piece of the neighborhood.

Blackstone Expert Says Commercial Real Estate Boom is Still on Going On

Jonathan Gray, the global head of real estate at Blackstone, talks about growing foreeign investment boom in the US Commercial real estate.

Detroit Foundation Provides Homes To Artists Through Contests

Detroit must be one of the states where there are tons of odd abandoned lots that are turned into something fruitful. For example, there are numerous empty lots that the city has turned into urban farms, an abandoned elementary school into a theater.

New York Is Not Only The Difficult State For Middle Class Families, Los Angeles Is Towing Behind

Middle class families in New York are now looking for other states to live in due to the cost of living in the state, but according to Realtor, New York is not alone.

New York, Vermont, and Canada Face Challenges In Their Real Estate Market

New York, Vermont, and Canada are currently facing an unusual threat on their real estate markets - algae. According to Realtor, the 500 square mile lake that stretches from the state and the country is currently blanketed by the blue-green algae blooms.

New Jersey Real Estate Industry Still Struggling Despite Recovery Of Market Across The Nation But Experts Sees New Jersey Rebound In The Future

The real estate industry has recovered since the 2006 slumber but apparently, New Jersey has not. According to Realtor, there are properties in New Jersey that were still below the 2006 slumber despite the fact that the industry is on the rise. An expert in the real estate industry said that citizens of New Jersey are still afraid to have their properties listed on the market because of a possible price undercut once mortgages finally goes to the market.

DIYers Are Selling Their Renovation Project in MO

Missouri based company, A Beautiful Mess, listed their model house for the DIY home improvements they are featured on Pinterest. According to Realtor, the brains behind the DIY interior and exterior home improvements sisters, Elsie Larson and Emma Chapman, have listed the four bedroom house in the market for $189,000, including the DIY featured improvement that the sisters have done since 2013.

Will The Current Trend in the Chinese Stock Market have an effect in US Real Estate Invesment?

The Chinese stock market is unstable but more Chinese buyers are eyeing US real estate investments. It is being speculated that the commotion in the Chinese stock market may have a direct effect on the U.