
browsing online

The Psychology Behind The Satisfaction of Browsing Real Estate Listing Explained

Experts said that browsing online property listings produces happy hormones. Real estate obsession is real, and the coronavirus global pandemic made it even worse for people who find satisfaction in browsing photos of properties online.
old furniture

4 Satisfying and Extremely Creative TikTok Furniture Makeover

This TikTok user flips old home items into branded furniture dupes. When the year 2020 happened, almost everyone stuck at home embarked on their DIY projects to keep their day busy and forget about the pandemic for a while.
single ladies homebuyer

Single Ladies Beat Men as First-Time Homebuyers

5.2 million homeownership belongs to women, while only 3.6 million belong to men. Who run the world? Girls! Gone are the days when women are viewed to be someone meant to stay at home.
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