'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ Rumors: Robin May Have Turned into the Joker

DC Comic fanatics are getting excited with the forthcoming release of "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice." And while some fans may be patiently waiting for the film's launch date, other fans are finely dissecting the movie's stills and trailers for a hint about the plot or characters. Now, the latest theory surrounding the movie indicates that Robin may have turned into the crazy villain, Joker.

The Robin-Joker theory was posted by a fan in Reddit who wrote that "Joker isn't the Joker." The fan went on to share how Jared Leto's "Joker in the Suicide Squad is Jason Todd, who was the second Robin." The Reddit user, DeathByRequest, cited as evidence the "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" trailer scene which showed a snap of the Boy Wonder's suit with some gunshot or puncture marks. This reportedly matched the similar puncture marks on a still image of Leto's Joker.

ComicBook further described the scene wherein the said puncture marks are located on the right and left shoulders of the Robin costume. Leto's Joker had a faint, but similar, burn-like mark on his shoulders. The site also commented that while the theory is based on such a small detail, the idea does make some sense. This theory would help explain why the Joker looks younger than Ben Affleck's Batman, despite the two being long-time mortal enemies.

The site further speculated that the original Joker may have "seduced or mentally broke Robin into becoming a villain," thereby figuratively 'killing' the Boy Wonder. And when the Joker died, the mentally tortured Jason Todd/Robin may have assumed the villain's identity.

This would not be the first time that Robin turned into the Joker, states CinemaBlend. In the 2000 animated movie "Batman Beyond: Return of The Joker," the clown prince wreaking havoc in Neo-Gotham City was Batman's former sidekick, Tim Drake. In the movie, the third Robin's body was implanted with Joker's DNA and consciousness which turned him into the villain. Meanwhile, in the 2001 "The Dark Knight Strikes Again," the original Robin, Dick Grayson, disguised himself as the deceased Joker.

It is still unclear whether the "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" movie will follow the same Robin storyline as previous "Batman" series. Fans would need to wait until the film's release to find out whether the Robin-Joker theory is true.

"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" is expected to hit movie theaters on March 25, 2016.

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