"The Big Bang Theory" Season 9 titled “The Matrimonial Momentum,” will kick off with the wedding of Leonard and Penny, after a minor bump in their relationship in Season 8. Meanwhile, Sheldon and Amy's relationship are on the rocks, creating speculations of a breakup.
Despite the admission of Leonard (Johnny Galecki) about kissing another woman on his North Sea trip, Penny (Kaley Cuoco) believed she overcome it and pushed through with their wedding. But even during the wedding, Penny's last name will not be revealed.
"The show is moving forward in big brave ways and so are Leonard and Penny," executive producer Steve Molaro said according to Entertainment Weekly.
He also said that there is a development in Penny's character saying, "She knows they've been together a long time. She's telling herself, 'It was years ago and we weren't married and it was only making out. I can get past this. Let's keep moving forward.'"
Meanwhile, Sheldon (Jim Parsons) and Amy (Mayim Bialik) wanted a break-up as Amy asked for a space from their relationship. Sheldon would face a lot of heartbreak and would be confused since it isn't a "science problem he can solve by thinking."
"He is a man of science and he is being presented a problem of the heart that is not easily solved. Problems that are not easily solved by logic can be extremely frustrating for him. That's something new that he's gonna be dealing with," Molaro said, according to TV Guide. "He's having a lot of mixed feelings. He's mad at her, he wants her back, he's confused. There's a lot going on in his head and in any given scene, it can bounce back and forth."
Bialik revealed that the rift in Shamy's relationship is just temporary but would take long before they get back together. "This is not a breakup," Bialik said according to She Knows. "My mom kept asking me why all of her neighbors are asking if I’m kicked off the show. [Amy] needs space and the first episode explores how Sheldon deals with that notion."
Season 9 of "The Big Bang Theory" will premiere on Sept. 21, Monday, 8 p.m. ET/PT and will change airing time to its regular time slot on Thursdays 8 p.m./PT after Nov. 5.