Fallout 4 First Patch to Roll Out on PC Next Week and There Will Be More to Come

"Fallout 4" has been a huge success for Bethesda, recently hitting Steam Chart record highs of about 290,000 concurrent records on the day of release. There are even talks suggesting that it might surpass the success of Bethesda's other title "Elder Scrolls." Whether "Fallout 4" would or would not outperform the latter in terms of sales, Bethesda wants to make sure that "Fallout 4" will consistently keep gamers happy so the company is rolling out its first patch next week.

According to Cinema Blend, Bethesda has written fans a statement sharing their plans for the game in the following weeks. Starting off with words of appreciation the statement went on to inform the gamers that a patch will first be rolled out to the PC version of "Fallout 4." The beta patch will be available through Steam.

Although the patch is intended to fix bugs and improve game experience, the statement did not specifically indicate what the patch is for. As Bethesda has put it, given the complexity and scale of the game, "unintentional consequences that are sometimes bad" are expected. The company also reminds "Fallout 4" fans that they are working hard to address the top issues.

As written in Bethesda's statement, "Our process for updating the game will include releasing a beta patch on Steam, followed by full release on PC, then release on the consoles. This process has worked well for us in the past and allows us to get more fixes out faster. Expect to see more updates that are smaller and more frequent than a few big ones. This allows us to make sure each fix is working right, as any change can have unintentional side effects in a game this huge."

Hopefully, the patch will fix the issues currently being talked about. According to the Wired, "Fallout 4" is full of bugs citing creaky engine, poor companion AI, sub-par animation as examples. As stated by Bethesda, there will be hundreds of testers that will replicate the issues for the millions of games and the company will work hard to fix them especially the top ones.

"Fallout 4" is now available on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

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