No 'Assassin's Creed' To Be Released In 2016, Next Title Rumored to Arrive in 2017 Set In Egypt With a 'Witcher' Feel

Rumors suggest that Ubisoft will skip 2016 and instead release an "Assassin's Creed" game set in Egypt in the year 2017.

According to GameSpot, since "Assassin's Creed 2" was first launched in 2009, fans saw new releases year after year, with the latest "Assassin's Creed Syndicate" released on consoles in October 2015. This year is said to be an exception as various sites suggest that there won't be a new Assassin's Creed title. Moreover, Ubisoft is rumored to be releasing the next title in 2017 with a game setting based in Egypt.

According to Kotaku, this next "Assassin's Creed" game that many believe would be set in ancient Egypt is rumored to be currently in development under the codename "Empire." One source reportedly has revealed that the decision to delay "Empire" was due to the disappointing launch of "Assassin's Creed Unity" in 2014. Hence Ubisoft is turning to a "biennial approach" when it comes to releasing future "Assassin's Creed" titles.

But with regards to "Empire," the rumors of its development may have originated from a 4Chan forum that was shared on NeoGAF by some members of the community. The forum discusses that Ubisoft had revealed of such development through 4chan and said, "Egypt. There won't be an AC in 2016."

Then continued, "You may screen cap this and refer to it when nothing is shown in E3 2016. You'll have to wait until 2017 for it. The reason: It will be a complete revamp of the series. The game is going for a Witcher feel, with player progression, freeform combat system. Horse is back, and boats too. It's made by the Black Flag team. You may leave any question you want answered."

Although, Ubisoft's decision on releasing its games may sound sensible especially if it would be for their benefit, but the rumors on "Empire" should be treated with a grain of salt at the moment. On the other hand, in case the company does not release any "Assassin's Creed" title this year, fans can still look forward to "Assassin's Creed Chronicles India" and "Assassin's Creed Chronicles Russia," both are side-scrollers scheduled to be released in the very near future and Michael Fassbender's "Assassin's Creed" movie.

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