Finance & Mortgage

How To Boost Your Credit Score Before Buying A Home

Home buying doesn't begin on the instance you walk through the door of your first open house. The moment you make the decision, you have to immediately start thinking about the finances - and your credit standing is an important component.

Celebrity Real Estate: Kobe Bryant Slashes Price on L.A. Mansion

NBA player Kobe Bryant has been trying to sell his home for more than two years now, even dropping the price by $1.5 million in the hope of finally selling the house. His Newport Coast home is now on sale for $6.995 million.

Realty and Tourist News: Chicago Ranks Highest Among Tourist-Loving Cities

According to a new study from jet charter company Stratos, Chicago is on top of the list among tourist-loving cities in the U.S. In general, the Midwest region comes out as the friendliest region in the U.S., with Illinois coming in the top spot for states, and Chicago ranking the highest among individual cities.
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