
Will Crowdfunding Tip The Scales in Real Estate?

Will crowdfunding tip the scale of the real estate industry? Okay, it might be a little bit harsh but is crowdfunding a threat or not to the industry? According to Forbes, as far as the industry is concerned, crowd funding is just an evolution of an old way of buying properties in the real estate industry.

Get Your House Summer-ized To Attract Buyers

Summer is the perfect time to sell your house, according to studies. The season attracts more buyers compared to the others. Nonetheless, summertime is only half of it, and in order to complete the process, you have to make your property summer-ready, RealtyTimes reported.

Generation X Now Called Generation Rent; Millennial’s Aren’t Buying Homes?

The generation X or sometimes called the millennials, is now called the generation rent because most of the young adults these days are renting their own place.
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