
CB2 apartment: First NYC space to be designed real-time on Pinterest (VIDEO)

CB2 is all set on hosting the city’s first ever social media home-designing event, where millions of people and five designers will do up a whole apartment in CB2 furniture – all on the photo-sharing social website “Pinterest”

Barclays exits office space from Singapore suburbs; LinkedIn moves in

Barclays PLC., the U.K.-based financial institution has reportedly cut down on 60,000 square feet of office space in suburban Singapore to move its operations to the financial district in the heart of the city. LinkedIn Corp., the professional social networking website has now leased the space.

Burt Reynolds Jupiter Farm Ranch to be converted into 30-home development

Burt Reynolds, the “Smokey and the Bandit” actor’s Jupiter farm Ranch in Palm Beach, Fla., will now be converted into a residential development that will host about 30 large independent homes.