
5 Most Expensive But Unwanted Homes in America: Michael Jackson's Neverland, Jeff Greene's Palazzo di Amore, Danny Thomas' Trousdale Estates Home & More

Even celebrities sometimes find difficulty in selling their own extravagant estates - take it from Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch, which still can't find its new owner. As it turns out, America's most expensive homes are already faced with a limited number of potential buyers, so adding a hefty price tag definitely diminishes the chances of a sale.

Top 3 Considerations in Renovating the Vacation Home you are Going to Rent Out

So you've been sufficiently fortunate to purchase a summer home. Well done. It's similar to a sweet blessing to yourself, yet it's the one you need to continue paying, for month to month. In any case, it's a blessing that could fund itself. Everything you need for it, is some paying visitors!

US Real Estate Market Sells Bigger, Less Affordable Homes

The measure of new homes climbed a year ago, because these Americans' have an affection for space and it stays solid into their personality. However making new homes is less reasonable for a greater number of purchasers.
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