
Chinese Homebuyers Can Now Connect Directly With Zillow Premier Agents

Zillow announced a move that would make it easier for their prospective Chinese clients to connect with them this week in a bid to capture one of the biggest segments of foreign real estate investors.

92-Year-Old Woman Defends the Future of Her Century-Old House As It Faces Demolition

Ninety-two-year-old Terry Martens, was forced to sell her house to Richard McGrath to support her medical bills. Now, the 102-year-old house filled with sentimental value for her is facing demolition as soon as the development proposal will be approved.

New XPlan Mortgage Solution Tool Helps Real Estate Brokers, Advisers About Clients' Mortgage Issues

XPlan Mortgage solution was created by Iress, the financial market technology firm in the UK last July 2015. This same multi-million program was suggested to be used for the real estate brokers and advisers as well as the clients to make it easier to study their mortgage cases and track their cost summary.
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