
17 Nabbed in Fraudulent Claims of Housing Subsidiaries from Section 8

17 people had been arrested for scamming the government through fraudulent collections of subsidies from Section 8 housing program.

Chris Hemsworth Revealed that He Went Into a Prison-- and Got 'Heckled'

Chris Hemsworth revealed during an interview on "The Graham Norton Show" that he once checked into prison to research his role for "Blackhat."

Nicholas Brendon Arrest: 'Buffy' Actor Pleads Guilty For Assaulting Girlfriend; Ordered To Go Back To Rehab

After being accused of physically assaulting and choking her girlfriend in a hotel room, Nicholas Brendon -- who is most famous for his role as Xander in 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer,' has pleaded guilty for misdemeanor charge of mischief. The judge at the Saratoga Springs City Court made the decision last Friday, and although he won't be dealing with jail time, they have ordered the actor to undergo a drug and alcohol counseling program and he'll also be under probation for a full year. According to E! Online, Brendon will be back in court in February next year.
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