
Controversial Charlie Sheen Video Surfaces! Video Shows Actor Performing Lewd Acts On A Man And Using Crack-Cocaine In 2011

New updates on the Charlie Sheen HIV-positive scandal A video, which allegedly contained Charilie Sheen performing sex acts and using cocaine the same year he was diagnosed with HIV, has surfaced!

Courtney Love Sticks Up For Justin Bieber After Fans Diss Him For Wearing Nirvana Shirt At AMAs

Justin Bieber has found a surprising Belieber in Courtney Love. Justin Bieber has found himself an unlikely ally. Courtney Love came to the "Purpose" singer's defense when he was given a lot of flak from Kurt Cobain fans for wearing a Nirvana shirt to the recently concluded American Music Awards.

NAR 2015 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers: A Brief Review

National Association of REALTORS (NAR) conducts an annual survey of homebuyers and sellers. "2015 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers" is the most recent version available this month.
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