
California Water Crisis Update: We can Learn from Solutions already being Implemented in other Nations

The settlement of specialists at the NBC Bay Area's Investigation say that California can't save out of the water crisis, as the environmental change can drag out future droughts and potentially lessen the Sierra snowpack, one of the three fundamental wellsprings of Water California.

Celebrity Real Estate: Stacy Keibler Spent a Huge Amount in New Beverly Hills Georgian Mansion

Stacy Keibler, a former professional wrestler, model, and actress, along with her entrepreneur husband, Jared Pobre, spent a huge amount of $20.5 million for a brand new Georgian Mansion in the Flats of Beverly Hills.

BB to Push the Shipping Dates of BlackBerry Priv Due to Increase in Demand

BlackBerry made a smart move when they launched the new BlackBerry Priv at the beginning of this month and joined the Android world. On the first week of November, BlackBerry shipped the first pre-orders for the device. On the first day, AT&T availed this device in their stores.
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