
Facebook Teams Up with Eutelsat to Bring Internet to Sub-Saharan Africa

The social media company Facebook announced that they will be teaming up with the French satellite provider Eutelsat to launch a satellite that will bring forth internet to the Sub-Saharan Africa.

'Blue Bloods' Season 6 Episode 3 Spoilers: NYPD Becomes The Target of an Unknown Assailant; Danny & Baez Try To Find The Suspect

In the new episode, Danny will be facing another dangerous case. In the previous episode of "Blue Bloods" Season 6, Danny (Donnie Wahlberg) was trying to keep his family safe from a serial killer.

‘Star Wars: Battlefront’ Gameplay: No Microtransactions in the Game, DICE Confirms

"Star Wars: Battlefront" won't feature microtransactions at all. A recent online report has disclosed that "Star Wars: Battlefront" won't feature microtransactions at all.