
Chinese City of Tianjin Devastated after Explosion

The Chinese government is trying to keep a lid on two recent big explosions in the northern port city of Tianjin, the causes for which are still unknown until now. Authorities have however said that the explosions started in a warehouse owned by a company called Ruihai Logistics, known for handling chemicals like sodium cyanide and toluene diisocyanate.

Garfield Park Conservatory to Host Light Art Installation

What about light and sculpture installation in a greenhouse conservatory? Chicago's Garfield Park Conservatory, one of the largest greenhouse conservatories in the United States, will play host to Solarise: A Sea of All Colors.

Phoenix, Arizona is Sinking, ASU Scientists Reveal Study

Researchers from the Arizona State University’s School of Earth and Space Exploration believe that parts of the metropolitan area of Phoenix, Arizona, are slowly and continously sinking.
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