home design tips

4 DIY Hacks That Will Instantly Upgrade Your Home

Upgrade your home with just a few steps. Home renovations are costly, most especially when you would want to revamp almost the entire house. Unnecessary as it may seem, everybody would want their homes to look new.

Tips for a Bohemian Themed Bedroom

Tips on for a stress free boho bedroom Bohemian designs are often coined as artsy. It's a mixture of different patterns that's bursting with colors.

Home Design Tips: How to Play Around With Paint on Your Stairways

Make your stairways pop! Looking for unconventional ways to add color and character to your home? You might be surprised at how playful you can get with your stairways.

Personalize Your Rental Without Painting

You can only do so much in a rented home as far as decorations are concerned. It's quite sad if you can't express your inner artist in your own home. But don't worry, there are ways to deal with that without the need to paint up the whole scene.

10 Pantone Spring Colors That You Can Use All-Year-Round

Fall in love with these spring pantone colors all year-round! Know the tips where these colors will look absolutely gorgeous in your home.

One Trick To Keep An Organized Home All Year Long

Raise your hand if you are one whose home rubber bands back into its unorganized state just a few weeks after you have done some really intense organization overhaul!

3 Tips on How to Set Up an Efficient Laundry Area

The laundry area is one of the places on where we usually spend most of our time, so setting it up properly can minimize the workload

3 Thrifty Ways to Create Outdoor Dining

Outdoor Dining adds class and sophistication to one's home. Outdoor Dining adds class and sophistication to one's home. The open air dining area is something that adds a romantic feel to the meal.

Home Design Tips: Inexpensive Home Decor Projects for Your Rental

Here are some fun ideas for your rental home. Living in a rental doesn't mean that you can't exercise your creativity! Decorating a rental home can be fun, and they don't have to break the bank.

Making a Mansion Out of Tiny Houses: How To Live Big In Small Spaces

After the Global Financial Crisis and Hurricane Katrina, real estate buyers have given more interest in tiny home movement. SInce these is a growing economy, here are tips on how to make the most of tiny houses.

Color Feng Shui: Benefits of Using Color Schemes To Your Home

Know the benefits of using color feng shui in designing the color schemes of your home. Color is a very important aspect in one's home, this could either make or break the look of your home.

Eco-friendly Lighting Ideas For Your Home

Lighting is important to make the look of a house seem complete aesthetically. Know some of the eco-friendly lighting options for your home.

Home Design Tips: How to Create Extra Space in the Bathroom

Here are tips on how you can make your bathroom be a little bit more spacious. Is your bathroom feeling a bit cramped? Given that it's a small space, there's very little or no storage area to waste.

Home Design Tips: How to Decorate and Add an Extra Oomph to Your Home's Entrance

Make an impact to your guests starting from your home's entrance! Doors are often overlooked as part of a home's overall design, but spicing up your entryways will definitely add more personality and oomph to your space.

5 Home Makeover Ideas Friendly for a Tight Budget

Freshen up the look of your home with some unique and simple cool ideas! Have you just moved in your new flat, dorm, or apartment? Thinking about renovating and updating your space? Worried about your budget? These tips will surefire bring out the best features of your new home in the most pocket-friendly way.

Interior Design 101: How To Make A Traveler's Home Look Amazing

Deisgning a traveler's home could be challenging, especially when the client has more memorabilias to incorporate into a concentrated space. The best way to utilize these items and trasform a home with awesome travel designs, creating a photo gallery, keeping it classy, incorporating textiles, and bringing in color is the best way to go.

Tips On How To Design Your Haunted House And Make It Saleable

A unique home where ghosts lurk, the view is terrible, and the structure itself is not up-to-par with the top selling homes in the market could be tricky to sell. However, engaging clients that are more attuned at purchasing a home with rich history and a haunted house story on top of incorporating a creepy design that would impress them can make it more saleable.

Home Decorating: If You Only Have $5 (10,20,50,100) To Spend, What You Should Spend It On?

Creating a really happy home doesn't necessarily have to take a lot of dough. But you might ask, how's that possible? Well, you just need some patience (to look around), eye for what works (to pick the best pieces), and ingenuity (to find alternative solutions).

Home Design: A Dozen Decorating Mistakes You Should Avoid

No one is safe from committing interior design mistakes. Even the most seasoned of decorators can fall victim to this every now and then. But, knowledge is power! And when you know the most common mistakes, you are least likely to make them.

Home Design Tips: 3 Ways On How To Style Your French Doors

Find ways on how to update you French Doors with these tips! French Doors have been in existence dating back from the 17th century. These are light doors that have glass panes extending in lengths.

Feeling Moody? 3 Room Colors That Might Influence Your Emotions

Colors have always been on major factor that affects our mood. Numerous studies have emerged proving the fact that colors does alter one's day to day mood.