real estate

Buyers Searching for New Housing Areas; Finding a New Home in Florida is Easier

Buying a home and finding a good deal does not come easy at all. Being locked out of boom, buyers often hunt for hot spots to own a home.

Celebrity Real Estate: Tim Beckman, Fired Illinois Football Coach, Selling Home in Urbana

Tim Beckman, the ousted football coach of the University of Illinois, is selling his home in Urbana, IL for $950,000. He was fired a week before the 2015 season with allegations that he avoided to report the injuries of a player.

The Concept of Tactical Urbanism as a Bridge for People and Places

Changes in your neighborhood lately and even on city might be a part of a tactical urbanism. A concept that aims for small-scale improvements in an effort to effect large-scale, long-term change.

3 Simple Tips to Swiftly Save for a Home Down Payment

There are many reasons why some people are still renting houses instead of owning one. One of the many reasons for this is the inability to save for a home down payment. Here are some few simple ways to help you get your dream house sooner than you expected it to be.

New Gurgaon: An Attractive Destination to Invest in Real Estate

With affordable property, good connectivity and incredible expansion, New Gurgaon is rising to be known as one of the best places to invest in real estate.

Home Builder Giants Toll Brothers, Lennar Corp. Aggressively Pursue Renters

Toll Brothers and Lennar Corp., two of the top home building companies in the US are pushing harder and more aggressively into the rental segment of the industry.

Greenwich Village Home Hits The Market With A New Price At $29 Million

Check this out a 10,000-square-foot house at Waverly Place now hits the market with a new price, $29 million!

People are Still Renting Years after the Real Estate Crash

Real estate trends show that homeownership is still on an uphill climb while rentals are skyrocketing even after almost a decade since the crash.

A Couple Just in their Mid-20s Bought 19 Homes in a Single Year: Learn How They Did It

A couple from Sydney, Australia, who both earns average incomes, have managed to buy 19 homes in a span of 12 months without relying on financial help from family and friends.

Australia Real Estate: Queensland’s Big Time Drug Offenders Use Real Estate to Launder ‘Dirty’ Money

The Australian Crime and Corruption Commission found that 46 percent of the net asset of drug offenders were laundered in the real estate industry, followed by cash, vehicles and vessels, money in bank accounts, and other assets.

Millenials Give Out Home Buying Trends and Tips

Over the past decades, trends in real estate has changed a lot, particularly in home buying. The millennials truly changed how real estate conducts business.

Home Construction Industry Dropped with 3% in August 2015

Home construction started to slow down last August with 3% decline in the number of apartment complexes and houses being built to supply the increasing demand.

Real Estate Giants Merge to Build a Hotel Brokerage Firm

Don Walston and Sanjay Mundra will work with an international brokerage firm Sperry Van Ness to create their own brokerage firm will be called SVN Hotels which will focus on the $45- million- per year hotel industry.

Smart Ways of Tracing and Collecting Old Rentals Debts

A landlord's duty is never easy, in some cases, you would have to wear a detective's hat especially when one of your tenants left without paying his or her rental debts.

Housing Prices Continue to Rise Leaving People Angry and Making Homes Impossible to Afford

Housing prices are still continuing to hike up making it harder for aspiring home owners to purchase their own property. As interest rates rise, so do home prices.

Modern Realty: An Island Home in Washington that Needs a Boat to Get There

An island estate with a modern home in Henry Island, WA is up for sale. Surrounded by blue waters on all sides and beautifully located just off the Shore of San Juan Island, this island paradise in the Pacific Northwest has a price tag of $2,895,000.

Former Sun CEO Scott McNealy Successfully Sold Portola Valley Home

Scott McNealy, the former CEO of Sun Microsystems who sold the legendary Silicon Valley Company in 2010 to Oracle, has now sold his custom-built home in Portola Valley, CA for a price tag of $4,275,000.

Retrofitting Cost Dispute Between Tenants and Landlords Will be Discussed by LA Authorities

It has been scheduled to be discussed by the City Council Housing Committee who will pay for retrofitting of houses after Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti had proposed an earthquake- retrofitting laws in California last year.

Incompetent Agents are Believed to be the Real Estate Industry's Biggest Problem

The National Association of Realtors have said in a report that the real estate industry's main and biggest threat is incompetent real estate agents.

Buying Real Estate Properties Online is Starting to Become a Trend

Real estate industry is starting to ride our today's technology as consumers start to use modern ways of acquiring real estate properties.

5 Expert Tips on How to Become a ‘Lord of Landlords’

To become a successful landlord it would mean going beyond collecting rents and creating leasing agreements. You should learn to become not just a mere landlord but perhaps a 'lord of landlords'.