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French Government Seeks Facebook And Twitter's Help To Combat Jihadist Propaganda

The French Government calls social media giants to help them combat Jihadist Propaganda. French Prime Minister Manuel Valls and Axelle Lemaire are asking the social media companies to help fight jihadist propaganda online.

US Negative Equity Rate Continue To Drop In Q3 Of 2015

Negative equity in the US continues to decrease due to the higher percentage of underwater homeowners.

‘Fifty Shades Darker’ News: ‘Pretty Little Liars’ Lucy Hale to Play Leila Williams, One of Christian Grey’s Past Submissive?

In time for the next sequel of "Fifty Shades of Grey," one of the rumored characters who is still unknown is the portrayal of Christian Grey's former submissive, Leila Williams. "Pretty Little Liars" actress Lucy Hale is one of the talked about actresses who may be getting the spot for the role.