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92-Year-Old Woman Defends the Future of Her Century-Old House As It Faces Demolition

Ninety-two-year-old Terry Martens, was forced to sell her house to Richard McGrath to support her medical bills. Now, the 102-year-old house filled with sentimental value for her is facing demolition as soon as the development proposal will be approved.

6 Things You Need To Know When Investing In Property

When buying a new home, there are lot of things to consider, like payment details, and terms and costs. Listed below are things you need to know when it comes to investing in property.

How Can The UK Solve Its Housing Shortage Problem When No One Can Afford Its 'Affordable' Housing Scheme?

The United Kingdom is experiencing a house shortage crisis and experts are now saying that this issue may not be resolved anytime soon because the people can't afford the "affordable" housing scheme that is being presented.
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