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Despite Efforts at Removal of Housing Segregation, the Injustice Continues

The Ferguson Missouri incident opened old wounds and made them deeper. In many houses throughout the country, residents receive a letter saying that the applicant is eligible for housing subsidies.

Simple Tips for Acquiring More Real Estate Entrepreneurial Wisdom

Real estate entrepreneurship requires necessary approaches for it to yield positive output. And for positive output to be conceived, enlightened decision should always be made. And one way of acquiring more ideas and wisdom which may lead to a sound decision is to make the mind open for new lessons. Here are some of the simple tips which you may apply in order to gain a piece of real estate entrepreneurial wisdom.

‘Chinese Billionaire’ Purchased A $52 Million Mansion In Sydney

A certain Chinese billionaire acquired a $52 million mansion located outside Sydney, Australia. What makes it even more astonishing is that fact that he never set foot inside the mansion before he made the acquisition.
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