Finance & Mortgage

New York's Real Estate Titans Among Forbes Richest In The World (Full List)

New York's real estate titans were listed on the Forbes list of billionaires, reported Commercial Observor.The list compiled 1,426 billionaires who have a combined net worth of $5.4 trillion.

Bruce Springsteen's 'Born to Run'Jersey Shore Cottage Hits the Market for $349,000 (PHOTOS)

Bruce Springsteen listed his humble Long Branch cottage on the market last month, reported CNBC. Bruce Springsteen listed his humble Long Branch cottage on the market last month, reported CNBC.

William Randolph Hearst's House For Rent, $600,000 a Month or For Sale For $115 Million

The former Beverly Hills estate of William Randolph Hearst is available for rent for any interested tenant for $600,000 a month, reported E!
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