Home & Design

Celebrity Real Estate: Son of Martin Luther King Purchases Buckhead Home for $1.8M

The Buckhead home on Peachtree Battle Avenue was recently purchased by Dexter Scott King. The property was recently acquired for $1. 8 million by Dexter Scott King, the son of Martin Luther King Jr.

7 Alternate Uses for Regular Kitchen Items at Home

If you are looking to unleash your inner Martha Stewart in the kitchen, but you only have limited gadgets to work with, don’t worry; you may still do without all those fancy tools! Here are 7 of the best alternate uses for regular kitchen items at home:

Celebrity Real Estate: Alejandro Aravena, a Chilean Architect, Wins the Pritzker Prize

The champion of social housing, Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena, has won the coveted Pritzker Prize, the highest honor in Architecture.
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