
Real Estate Pros Say Vast Majority of Buyers Purchase Home They Found Online

Everything seems to be moving faster in the world wide web, yes, even house buying. If you are house hunting, you do not need to go anywhere but online, using your tablet or smart phone.

Australia Real Estate: 2016 Will See a New Generation of 'Choice Renters', Research Says

Australians are becoming home renters of the modern times. It is a challenge landlords would have to face head on. Australians are quickly adapting to changes the modern times bring and the house renters, which compose of about seven million, nearly a third of Australian households, are on top of the list.

Historic Hutong Homes Hot In Chinese Real Estate Market; Ex-pats Attracted To It

The historic hutong homes are one of the hottest trends in Chinese real estate market as ex-pat families and affluent locals prefer to live in quiet courtyards.
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