
Real Estate News: Kathleen Peddicord Shares Her Top 5 List of Overseas Property Markets For 2016

Kathleen Peddicord, the founder and publisher of “Live and Invest Overseas,” has listed her top five overseas markets that offer interesting lifestyles advantages and are, at the same time good for investment.

New York Real Estate: Jehovah's Witnesses Are Selling Their NYC Watchtower Headquarters; Religious Group Expected to Gain More Than $1Billion

The Jehovah's Witnesses will be moving out of the New York City area and are selling their Watchtower headquarters located in Brooklyn. The religious organization is expected to raise more than $1billion from the sale.

Real Estate News: Flooding Threatens Florida Keys' Property Value Despite Boom

Since extreme floods started last September, the island chain famous for snorkeling and fishing has been transformed into a "sewer." Homeowners can now go snorkeling and fishing right on the streets now that they have been turned into canal-like swamps.
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