
The Vampire Diaries' Season 7 Spoilers & Premiere: Damon & Stefan to Put Elena Behind Them; Brothers to Renew Their Relationship

Now that Nina Dobrev's character Elena is gone, there are going to be major changes in "The Vampire Diaries," most especially between the Salvatore brothers.

Martha Stewart Net Worth: Media Mogul Talks about Her House in East Hamptons

Explore the house of Martha Stewart in the East Hamptons. In a blog from Martha Moments, Martha Stewart purchased a home in the Hamptons in 1990 after her divorce to Andy Stewart.

'Game of Thrones' Ice Wall Being Looked Upon as a Tourist Attraction

Northern Ireland's 300-mile barrier of ice is currently being looked upon to be considered as a tourist destination over the years to come. Known as "The Wall", which is around 700 feet tall and made of solid ice is looked over by the voluntary military order, the Night's Watch.
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