
US States with Fastest Internet Speed; And the Winner is…

Virginia! Yes, the "Old Dominion" where eight Presidents of the United States came from has the fastest internet in the nation, according to Broadview Network's latest internet speed ranking.

Paint Your Interiors…? A Look Into 2015 Color Trends (PHOTOS)

More than half of 2014 has passed. Now that home decorators have exhausted using Pantone's "Radiant Orchid" - the color of 2014 - in several elements of interior design, we have compiled a list of shades that could be 2015's color of the year.

The World's Most Expensive Apartment–Per Square Feet Hits Market

Sun Hung Kai Properties, a famous developer in Hong Kong, has reportedly listed a new condo apartment in the Twelve Peaks development, which is asking $22,671 ($HK 175, 735) per square feet - the highest asking in the world right now.