
Gender Gap In Hollywood: Hollywood Faces Pressure On Lack Of Diversity By Only Having 6.4% Female Directors, Minorities

The Hollywood filmmaking industry is currently facing some questions regarding gender and race discrimination. With the help of the Directors Guild of America and some celebrities, they are calling the attention of everyone to re-emphasize the equality rights in Hollywood.

Walmart Accidentally Leaks 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Toys; Buyer Who Posted Images Of Toy On Social Media Gets Copyright Violation Notice

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" fan who bought some toys from Walmart and posted them on social media got copyright violation notices.

Burt Reynolds On Charlie Sheen's HIV Diagnosis: 'Sheen Is Handling Situation Very Badly', Does Not Feel Bad For The HIV-Positive Actor

Burt Reynolds guested on ITV show to promote his memoir. He ended up bashing Sheen and telling the actor he deserves HIV.
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