
Celebrity Real Estate: Jon Runyan, the Former Congressman and NFL Star, Bought Smaller Place in Jersey

Jon Junyan is a former NFL standout and former All-Pro and Pro Bowl offensive lineman turned congressman of New Jersey is looking for a buyer for his home in Mount Laurel, NJ, for $5.8 million.

Real Estate Unique Homes: Artist Transformed Her Parents’ Entire Home to Outrageous Gingerbread House

Turning a home into a gingerbread house is a unique holiday fun activity. The talented Christine McConnell of Highland, CA is a visual artist and photographer who transformed her parents’ entire house into outrageous home.

88-Year-Old Minnie Fish Almost Lost Her Home Because Her Mortgage Company Think that She Was Dead

Minnie Fish, the 88-year-old widow, nearly lost her home after she was erroneously reported to her mortgage company that she was dead. When the mortgage company heard news, the company cut off access to the loan and prevented Fish from making payments.
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