home design tips

Black Bedroom Design Ideas

Painting the room black doesn't have to be so scary, once you'd throw in furniture and beddings that would match the color scheme, everything would work out fine.

Home Design Ideas: How to Make Your Home Warm & Cozy for the Winter

It may be cold outside, but that shouldn't stop any homeowner in transforming his or her homes into a warm and cozy haven.

Cheap and Quick Ways to Add Value to Your Home

Who says home upgrade needs to be expensive? Here are ways to improve your home. Note: Nothing in this list is more than $1,000!

Kitchen Design Ideas: Tips to Make Your Kitchen Look Large

Space is never an issue inside the kitchen if you have smart floor layouts and organized furnishings.

Home Improvement Ideas: 2016 Upgrades That You Can Do in Your Home

There are the 2016 home trends that are worth trying to achieve a modern home. As 2016 has rolled in, some homeowners are looking forward to refurbishing or restyling their homes to give it a completely new look.

Home-Selling Tips: Is Home Staging Necessary? Experts Say Yes, But You Don't Have to Spend Much

How much should you spend for home staging? If you're in a tight belt, here are some tips from professional stagers to get a polished, magazine-worthy home.

5 Free Apps You Need When Home Decorating

Changing the way your home looks? These apps will make home decorating a breeze. Best part: they're free!

DIY Window Treatment Ideas To Make the Room Look More Classy

Windows can either make the break the room design, though it is usually taken for granted, having an elegant window design can actually be a big game changer.

Tips to Consider Before Remodeling Your Dream House

Planning for a new home can be overwhelming most especially in looking for a perfect design. May it be building or renovating, setting aside a designated budget is a must

Attic Bedroom Design Tips

Having an attic for a bed room can sometimes be challenging when it comes to design. Having an awkwardly designed room can require professional help and can sometimes end up looking cramped or messy.

Home Gardening Tips: 3 Garden Goals Worth Setting this 2016

Guilty that you've not given enough time to take care of your garden last year? If this is so, there is still so much time that you can start anew and prepare a blossoming, healthy garden this 2016.

Feng Shui 2016: House and Office Design Tips in Attracting Luck in Your Space

Here are some of the feng shui 2016 house and office design tips you can follow, according to experts:

Home Storage Organization: 3 Smart Ways to Store Kids’ Toys

Get to know 3 smart ways on how to store your kid's toys. One thing that kids are good at unintentionally is mess up any room in the house with their toys.

Design Your Kitchen Like a Celebrity Chef

Goto reveals that celebrity chefs are just like normal homeowners, but with a few more demands. She says, "They ask the same questions we ask. They're interested in storage and functionality and where the sink should go."

Celebrity Kitchen Makeover: Learn 3 Tips on How You Can Design your Kitchen Like Christina Applegate's

Celebrity Homes always defy what most of us envy for a home. And while we want to employ some of these home design secrets, Designer Jessica Today shares her take on how she turn Christina Applegate's "ugly" kitchen to a "modern-classic" glamorous one.

Home Design Ideas: DIY Stylish Dividers for Any Room in Your Home

Open living spaces can have a number of benefits, but sometimes organizing it and styling it can be tricky.

Interior Design Ideas: 3 Ways to Style Your Home With Items You Already Have

This will be a total challenge! How can you redesign the look of your home with the items that you already have?

Living Room Ideas: 5 Ways to Accentuate the Focal Point of Your Fireplace Mantel

Spruce up your living room area in decorating your fireplace mantel. But now HGTV highlights some of the best, fun and extremely easy high decor that we can do to our fireplace mantels.

Home Design News: Fiberglass Insulation Tops Home Renovation Projects That Can Give Return on Investment

Remodeling Magazine has released the latest Cost vs. Value Report which shows the average costs and at the same time the return on investments of several remodeling projects.

Home Organization Tips: 5 Ways to Organize a Closet

Chaos is one of the things that we can see when we look at our closets. Cluttered hangers, unfolded clothes and layers up to layers of shoes. What to do? Sunset gives out five tips on how you can start tidying up your closet.

Interior Design Tips: How to Fix the ‘Unfinished’ and ‘Empty’ Look of Living Rooms

Is your living room hints off that "empty feel" or is it just plainly lacking a little decoration? You don't have to worry on how to make up for those living room mishaps, Real Simple details some tips on how you can make your living room achieve a "finished" look.