real estate

“Retail 360”: New Real State Firm In New Birmingham Promising Wider Range of Real Estate Services

There is a new firm in town-- Meeti Retail 360, a real estate firm that's labeling itself as the first of Birmingham to offer "retail real-estate research, site selection, marketing and consulting firm."

Brand New Listings at Palo Alto

There are three luxurious properties for sale in the beautiful town of Palo Alto, California. In fact, Clarion Partners themelves spent almost $28 million to acquire a piece of the neighborhood.

Celebrity Real Estate: Steven Spielberg Disposes Enormous Malibu Spread For Just $26M

Steven Spielberg, Hollywood Director and Producer, together with his wife Kate Capshaw bid farewell to their enormous compound in Malibu. The property was sold off the market for only $26 million.

“Australia Real Estate Market”: Home Approvals Strengthen Yet New Home Sales Decline

The Australian real estate market has gone opposite directions as home approvals get strengthened while the new home sales have declined. This data has been reflected in the May report.

How Much Does Renting A 2-Bedroom House Cost? Would a 4-Bedroom Better Fit You and Your Family?

Renting a 2-Bedroom House in New York City could range from $2,000-$3,000 per month with no fees, as opposed to four bedrooms that usually would cost $3,200. Which of which is a better fit for your family?

The Inventive Ways On How To Sell A Luxury Home

Selling a luxury home takes more than just print ads and ordinary site visits. It requires a lot of hard work and radical and innovative marketing strategies.

"Alaska Real Estate" Update: Not Bothered By The Cold Weather; Sales Heats Up

Alaska has increased its real estate market. The data shows that housing sales have been improving since last year.

How Japanese Etiquette Inspired UX Design

The Japanese etiquette of anticipating the needs of others, being flexible to every given situation, and providing for understatement that does not overwhelm the guest are instilled in the most sought after designs of homes nowadays: Japanese-style architecture.

Housing Market in UK May Collapse if Buyer Confidence Hits Base Rate unlike the US

The UK housing market is on the verge while the US housing market is primed for lift off. There is one factor that current home prices rely on for their stability and this is buyer confidence.

Bedding Designs That Will Make The Bedroom Look Fresh and Luxurious

In order to land homebuyers, customizing the pillow covers and updating the bedroom with stylish beddings is the perfect finishing touch to give customers a run for thrit money and purchase that adorable house with a gorgeous bedroom.

Realtors Invested $5,000 On A Private Chef To Close The Deal On A $70 Million Beverly Hills Mansion

Realtors have to invest not just time but also resources in closing a deal to prospective homebuyers. The most recent and concrete example is the real estate property deal closed by Branden Williams and Rayni Romito Williams, a couple who owns the real estate firm Williams & Williams.

How To Swerve Your Way and Kill Your Realty Deals

Without a real estate agent to guide you when the real estate market is being competitive, clients may tend to doubt buying or not. Tips ranging from pricing to convicing the clients to purchase the said homes are provided here by experienced homesellers in the US.

Tips on How To Manage Taxes and Bookkeeping for the Real Estate Business

The real estate business is a tough one to manage. Keeping an accounting software to manage finances and employing the right Human Resource Department to manage your taxes are the best attributes to keep your business going smoothly.

How To Secure Your Home From Burglars

Having your house secured is one of the top priorities that one must do. With the increasing crime rate, homeowners should never be lenient about home security system.

We Have To Ask: Is This Another Housing Bubble?

Residential real estate prices have soared remarkably high in such a short period of time. Investors are wondering where this trend will lead to.

Detroit Foundation Provides Homes To Artists Through Contests

Detroit must be one of the states where there are tons of odd abandoned lots that are turned into something fruitful. For example, there are numerous empty lots that the city has turned into urban farms, an abandoned elementary school into a theater.

Real Estate Listings: Minnesota's Most Expensive House Still Waiting For Buyer After 8 Years

Minnesota's most expensive listing remains unsold after eight years. Minnesota's most expensive listing property is still waiting for its buyer after eight years.

New York Is Not Only The Difficult State For Middle Class Families, Los Angeles Is Towing Behind

Middle class families in New York are now looking for other states to live in due to the cost of living in the state, but according to Realtor, New York is not alone.

New York, Vermont, and Canada Face Challenges In Their Real Estate Market

New York, Vermont, and Canada are currently facing an unusual threat on their real estate markets - algae. According to Realtor, the 500 square mile lake that stretches from the state and the country is currently blanketed by the blue-green algae blooms.

Couple Buys a Fairy Tale Theme Park

Blair and MJ Johnson buys an "Enchanted Forest" in a remote location in British Columbia Even adults want to experience some magical adventure in an enchanted forest.

House Design Tips: Goodbye Backyard Pool, Hello Pond, 'The New Pool in Town'

Instead of a swimming pool, go for a pond that enhances visual appeal and value to your home. Beat the summer heat by dipping yourself in the cold swimming pond.