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Robert Downey Jr.'s Rumored Paycheck for Next 'Avengers' is $200M; Gwyneth Paltrow Reacts

Robert Downey, Jr. is closer to being a real-life Tony Stark. For playing the billionaire superhero, the actor is reportedly getting a whopping $200 million. Real-life Pepper Potts doesn't like the news at all.

A 'Game of Thrones' Actor Talks About the Show's Ending

Finn Jones, who plays Ser Loras Tyrell in the "Game of Thrones" series, is apparently one huge GoT fan. He has a very clear and precise theory on how the show will ultimately end, and it includes swords and White Walkers.

‘America’s Next Top Model’ Cycle 22 Episode 10 Recap: Justin and Dustin Were Sent Home

"America's Next Top Model" Cycle 22 Episode 10 picks up from last week's elimination. Despite being in the bottom of the list quite a couple of times, Devin was given another chance to go on. Justin and Dustin were sent home.
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