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Russian President Vladimir Putin Played Hockey with NHL Stars for 63rd Birthday

The President of Russian, Vladimir Putin, preferred to celebrate his 63rd birthday on the ice last Wednesday by playing hockey. The celebration pitted the NHL Stars against Russian officials and tycoons.

'MacGyver' Reboot: Revival on CBS, Set All Ready for the Show; Pilot Episode will be Directed by James Wan

The popular and long-running action packed television series of the 1980s, “MacGyver,’’ is set for a revival on CBS. The new “MacGyver" series is officially going to be revived after decades of failed plans.

Rosie O'Donnell's Daughter Tell-all: "She Told Me To Leave and Take My Dog", Clears That She Isn't Mentally Ill as Reported By Her Mother

Rosie O'Donnell's daughter Chelsea O'Donnell speaks out of her true relationship with her mother and tells that once and for all that she didn’t walk away from home or even have the mental illness that Rosie taunts the media.
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