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Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Android 6.0 Marshmallow Update Set in December 2015?

It can be noted that Note 5 and S6 Edge+ were released just a couple of months ago in New York. The latest Samsung mobile handset Galaxy Note 5 is ready for an upgrade of Android 6.

‘Captain America Civil War’ Updates: Martin Freeman to Play the Role of a U.S. Government Security Agent?

Mr. Freeman will be playing the role of an interrogator in the film “Captain America: Civil War” and will be repeating this character in “Black Panther.”

Clash of Clans Update & Release: Town Hall Means More Loot? TH and Clan Castle Become Resource Buildings

The upcoming "Clash of Clans" update is set to bring a wide range of changes to make the game fairer, bring more focus on attack and flexibility in shield times and playing sessions. One of the major revamps include changes in Town Hall, making it a primary loot target and giving more reason to protect it.
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