Buy & Sell

Buying A House: Is Renting A Better Option this 2016?

Buying a house should not be done in a whim, but that does not mean your only option is to rent a place forever. How would you know that it is time to buy your own real estate property?

Tell-Tale Signs of Unreliable Real Estate Agent

In every form of business, trust and respect will always be the core values of each transaction. Similar to real estate, each transaction to be done must be in line with trust and respect, for, without it, transactions to be made will be a problematic one.

Global Real Estate Market: The Worth Of All Properties in the World?

Has is it ever occurred to you the worth of all properties in the world if being combined? Believe it or not but the total value of all the real estate properties in the world has summed up to $217tn (£153tn). This figure is based on 2015's record.
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