
Celebrity Real Estate: Starchitect Vishaan Chakrabarti Buys $5.78M Condo

Vishaan Chakrabarti recently bought a $5.78M Condo following his succesful sale of a $4.995 million Flatiron loft and his launch of his own firm, Partnership for Architecture and Urbanism (PAU).

Luxury Real Estate Developers Receive Backlashes After Organizing an Exclusive Party

Two luxury real estate developers, Somerset Partners and The Chetrit Group, have organized an exclusive party in support of their newest project of turning Port Morris into a new Williamsburg by building two luxury towers with 1,200 units. However, the locals are not happy with the company's rave.

5 Reasons To Move Down

Looks like a new trend is steering away the American dream of homeownership that is all about bells and whistles and done to the nines.
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