
Celebrity Real Estate: Larry Gagosian Puts Upper East Side Home on the Market for $18M

City property records showed that the Upper East Side home of Larry Gagosian in East 69th Street was sold for $18 million to Sascha S. Bauer, board chairman of Sculpture Center.

Celebrity Real Estate: Andy Warhol’s Montauk Estate is in Contract with Adam Lindemann

Adam Lindemann is a billionaire art collector and Upper East Side gallery enthusiast who is in contract to buy an ocean front compound in Montauk formerly owned by Andy Warhol.

De-clutter Home Tips: The 10 Things that Must Go Now in Your Home

To throw or not to throw, that is the biggest question on one of home's hardest tasks to do, Decluttering. So do you know what are the things at home that you need to get rid off now and what are the things you can consider in keeping?
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