
‘Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4' Update: Release Date Revealed and 2-Hour Gameplay Video Released

New updates of "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4" have been released. Fans are given the latest information concerning the release date, game play, and the new video released online.

Taylor Swift Shelled Out $25 Million in Cash for Goldwyn Estate, Mysterious Buyer Finally Identified?

The "mysterious buyer" of the Goldwyn Beverly Hills property could have finally been named.

Atlanta Real Estate: Two Sentenced to Federal Prison for $5 Million Real Estate Ponzi Scheme

Charles Wooden and Hendrickx H. Toussaint of Georgia have been sentenced to federal prison for perpetuating and operating a real state Ponzi scheme that swindled almost $5 million from out-of-state and foreign investors.