real estate

Ford Focus

3 Cars Perfect for Real Estate Market Agents

There are some cars that would be perfect for some people with a specific kind of profession, and real estate market agents are no different from that.

Real Estate & Disasters: How Does It Affect the Former?

When it comes to disasters, how does it affect the whole real estate market? Is there a difference in the effect of manmade or natural disasters to the market?

5 Easy Ways To Easily Pay off Your Mortgages Much Earlier

There are several ways that you can pay your mortgage payments easily and much earlier than scheduled. But what are those said ways?

Homebuying in Dallas Made Much Easier Thanks To New Startup

Dallas' new real estate startup makes homebuying for both customers and investors alike much easier than before, thanks to the new buying model introduced.

How To Become a Commercial Real Estate Agent in 2021

When it comes to how being a proper commercial real estate agent, there are several things one desiring to be one to keep in their mind, especially this 2021.

Outdoor Dining Real Estate Properties You Would Like To See

Unique real estate properties meant for outdoor dining are becoming popular quite lately. Is there some new trend in the real estate market recently?

Elon Musk Recently Lists Five More Real Estate Properties

Billionaire Elon Musk recently lists five (5) more properties on various online real estate marketplaces to ensure that he follows the "Own No House" rule.

Green Loans Related To Real Estate Dominate the GL Market

Many forms of green loans that are related to the real estate market are appearing and dominating their own green loans market. But why is that happening?

Mortgage Relief Affected as COVID-19 Assistance Ending Soon

Many are worried about the end of their COVID-19 mortgage relief assistance, which is coming soon enough. How are they going to move forward once it ends?

DDA Flats Attracts 15,000 Interested Applicants

DDA's (Delhi Development Authority) new housing scheme has attracted more than 15,000 applicants, now that the said housing project is nearing its deadline.

Kaplan Real Estate Education Partners Up For Behavioral Help

A well-known education provider, Kaplan Real Estate Education, has announced its partnership with a certain training school to provide behavioural courses.

Highest Listing in Sanibel Island Market Appears for $16.9M

Sanibel Island's real estate market made headlines after a property on the famous island was listed with an asking selling price of $16.9 million.

UK Real Estate Market Now Dips Prices

Good news is coming to the real estate market in the United Kingdom as many real estate properties are starting to lower their prices overall.

First Ever Digital Village in Europe Is a Volcanic Island

Europe's digital village, the first of its kind in the country, will be located on a volcanic island that is known for its small size in the global map.

TikTok User Rallies Followers To Roast Worst NYC Apartment

A TikTok user has recently posted a video, rallying his followers to roast the worst New York City apartment he has found ever.

Real Estate Company RangeWater Selects A New Management Tool

The known real estate company RangeWater has chosen a new management tool in order to streamline their real estate operations, in order to smoothen operations.

The Meaning of Contingent House Listing in Real Estate

The term "Contingent House Listing" is not known by many that are involved in the real estate industry. What does that term exactly mean?

Cryptocurrency in Real Estate: Survey Shows Overwhelming Support for Payment Method

Cryptocurrency is a payment method slowly but eventually being introduced in the world's economy, and many are anticipating it in the real estate market.

Celebrity Mansion of Stallone Now For Sale at $130 Million

The Los Angeles mansion of famous celebrity action star Sylvester Stallone is now listed for sale for about $130 million. Will you buy it if given the chance?
Photo Of Houses

Home Renovation 2021: Asian-Themed Home Designs You Can Use

There are some home designs that are inspired by Asian design that are currently present in the real estate market that you can use for your next renovation.

Top Abandoned Real Estate That Are for Ready to be Yours

Throughout the whole country, abandoned American-styled buildings can be seen in many places. They are left by their previous owners intentionally or not.